Discussion Meeting on
Smooth and Discrete Differential Geometry

▼Dates || ▼Venue || ▼Speakers || ▼Program || ▼Link || ▼Financial Support


January 18 (Thu) - 19 (Fri), 2024


IMI Auditorium, Kyushu University


Miyuki Koiso (IMI Kyushu University)
Masashi Yasumoto (Tokushima University)


Masaya Hara (Kobe University, Japan)
Wai Yeung Lam (2 talks, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Thomas Raujouan (Kobe University, Japan)
Naoya Suda (Kobe University, Japan)




Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute (OCAMI)

OCAMI-KOBE-WASEDA International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
MORITO One-Day Meeting on Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
The 2nd OCAMI-KOBE-WASEDA Joint International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
International Workshop on Differential Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems
The 11th GEOSOCK Seminar "Spectral Curves, Integrable Systems and Differential Geometry"
Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
Mini-Workshop on Geometry and Mathematical Science
The 12th GEOSOCK Seminar "Geometry of Discrete Surfaces and Applications"
The 2nd International Conference "Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems"
The 13th GEOSOCK Seminar "Recent Progress on Willmore Surfaces"
Mini-Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Discretizations
The 3rd International Workshop "Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems"
The 27th Osaka City University International Academic Symposium "Mathematical Science of Visualization, and Deepening of Symmetry and Moduli"
The 1st FukKO Lectures on Geometry on Discrete Constraint Willmore Surfaces
Symmetry and Stability in Differential Geometry of Surfaces
The 4th International Workshop "Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems
The 1st Shot of The 13th MSJ-SI "Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems"
Mini-Workshop on Integrable Geometry and Related Topics at Tokushima
Applications of Harmonic Maps and Higgs Bundles to Differential Geometry
The 2nd Shot of The 13th MSJ-SI "Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems"
The 3rd Conference on Surfaces, Analysis, and Numerics
The 3rd Shot of The 13th MSJ-SI "Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems"
The 4th International Conference on Surfaces, Analysis, and Numerics in Differential Geometry

Financial Support

- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists   No.20K14314   Principal Investigator: Masashi Yasumoto


Masashi Yasumoto: yasumoto.masashi(at)tokushima-u.ac.jp

Last updated on November 17, 2023